
Quickie: Mass BASE64 Decoding, (Fri, Nov 29th)

I was asked how one can decode a bunch of BASE64 encoded IOCs with my tools.

I’m going to illustrate my method using the phishing SVG samples I found on VirusTotal (see “Increase In Phishing SVG Attachments“).

In these phishing SVG files, the victim’s email address is encoded in BASE64:

Cyber GRC Hive

With grep, I can select all these lines with BASE64 encoded email addresses:

Cyber GRC Hive

Then I can pipe this into base64dump.py, my tool to handle BASE64 (and other encodings):

Cyber GRC Hive

You can see the email address in the “Decoded” column (they are redacted to protect the victims).

To get just this info (decoded email addresses), you can use option -s a to select all decoded items, and option -d to dump the decoded values to stdout, like this:

Cyber GRC Hive

The problem now is that all email addresses are concatenated together. To add a newline (or carriage return – newline in Windows) after each email address, use option -s A (uppercase a):

Cyber GRC Hive


Didier Stevens
Senior handler

(c) SANS Internet Storm Center. https://isc.sans.edu Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License.

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